My go-to ride essentials + recipe!

Over the years I’ve learned the hard way that being unprepared when you’re out on the trail is never fun. And I’m even reluctant to admit I still underestimate and find myself on a long day out of food. This is never fun, so I’ve come up with a list of my go-to ride essentials to help you tackle the next adventure!

  1. Snacks! Always, always bring food (and water of course).

  2. CO2 and plug

  3. Multitool

Let’s start from the top. The first one might seem obvious - bring food and water. But there have been more times than I can count where I am still far from home and run out of food. I like to bring a variety to ride food between gels, chews, bars, or if I’m out of bars then a quick homemade ride food. Here’s one that I’ve made many times, so easy and quick I’ve even made it in my kit before heading out the door!


½ cup peanut butter (or any other nut/seed butter you like)
1 ½ cup rolled oats
¼ cup maple syrup or honey
A couple pinches of cinnamon
Add ins: Any nuts or seeds of your choice! Chia, flax seed, hemp, almonds, walnuts, etc.
My favorite: Handful of chocolate chips, walnuts, raisins, ~2 T chia seeds
Mix everything together, form into balls and keep in the fridge.

On any ride over 5 hours I like to bring savory snacks along with the regular bars and gels. I’m still working on nailing down the perfect fueling strategy for those longer days, but I’ve found that having a variety can help.

Alright, moving on to #2 - carrying a CO2 and plug. No, not just one, both! It’s taken me a few times to learn that it’s good to have BOTH. I used to be lazy and just grab a CO2, or just a plug. But if I ever did flat and was caught without a CO2, my plug would be useless! Luckily with Orange Seal I don’t have to worry about this anymore. Moral of the story, bring all you need and don’t skimp. Carrying a little extra bulk in your pocket is worth it if you need it! Or start using a saddlebag where you can store all of this.

Last but not least - a multitool. This has saved me many times whether it’s adjusting my cleat tightness, seat hight, or more often than not letting Cole borrow it because he forgot his (who’s unprepared now!). A multitool can save you in all the ways, and it’s good to have one that has compact but has a chain breaker, and a variety of different sizes.

Follow these tips and your next adventure is bound to be your best. Happy riding!


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Student Athlete Life | balancing training and school in Sedona